At HCA we understand the positive impact critical thinking has on lifelong learners. Instruction is based on academics and electives, to create instruction that speaks to their minds and creativity. We offer Spanish,a language and culture course, for students to experience spanish and increase their knowledge of culture, history and lifestyle to students ages grades k4-10th, Art is designed to introduce students to a variety of artists, art materials, methods, and techniques for students ages k4-9th, drama is a way to experience the performing arts for students ages 5th-12th, Physical education is comprised of recreational games, general calisthenics, cardio, and sports specific skills for students ages k4-10th, music to k4-8th, Crossfit to 9th-12th-students are encouraged to spend time focused on strength and work outs are tailored for full body, Etiquette is designed to give instruction on proper dress, art of conversation, table etiquette & more to our 11th grade students , Theology to 10 and 11th grade and senior seminar which is designed to discuss financial wisdom, biblical groundedness, and preparing for college to 12th grade. We want to have students who are good problem solvers